Friday, August 15, 2008

TheDivas Halloween Guest Launch Set #2

This is another set I designed for The PlayGround Divas Halloween Guest Launch. I fell in LOVE with this wonderful and whimsical Halloween fabric that is new this year. It is called Pumpkins gone Wild and is by Sandy Gervais for Moda. I couldn't wait to get home and start sewing! I really like this BabyDoll style! The Footless tights, I dressed up with Swarovski Crystal amber and orange flat backed crystals. It gives the set a SASSY flair!


Art Of The Craft Studios said...

I love love love LOVE IT!!!
Did I mention I love that set? LOL

candice said...

So cute!! Love the blingy leggings....I want them for my girls. Wish I knew someone who made them....LOL.

Candice said...

Thank you for the comment on the threads of love blog. I am not certain of colors for each of the quilts as it depends on what other people send. I received several more packages today but my teething, sleepless one year old didn't stick to my plan of blogging pictures of them tonight! I am sure the quilts will be very vibrant and colorful so please feel free to send something with personal sentiment, the colors will be beautiful. Thank you so much for your support! Love, Candice